Why Get A Water Dispenser For The Office?
You see the water cooler in nearly any television show or movie that shows a classic office. This is the place where all the employees and coworkers gather round to get a cool drink and take a quick break from their daily responsibilities. While this may seem like a cliche prop in a TV show or movie, there are actually offices that have bottleless office water coolers and other water coolers in the workplace for employees to enjoy.
You can benefit from providing a countertop water dispenser or other type of beverage container in the office for everyone to use. Here are reasons you should invest in this type of service. Your water supplier can help you select the type of water cooler that will work best for your needs.
You encourage healthy drinking habits
Staying hydrated is good for the body and helps people stay focused and comfortable. Your employees will be able to remain calm, focused, energized, and on-task if they can take periodic water breaks. They also get the chance to stretch their legs in their quick break to the classic water cooler so they can go back to work with a clearer head and feel better about their day. Healthy drinking habits also equal healthier employees, so have a few office water coolers available so every department has access to one.
You encourage less waste
A water dispenser allows you to have less waste in the office since your employees can bring their own cups or water bottles. You can limit the impact your business has on the environment by staying away from offering bottled water, which is not only costly but also adds to landfill waste, and put in countertop water dispensers instead.
You encourage random water breaks
Rather than make your employees feel like they have to stay tied to their desks all day plugging away at their tasks, give them an incentive to move around. Random water breaks are refreshing and allow your employees to mingle for a few moments at a time and keep workplace feelings upbeat and happy. This can also help your employees maintain their break times since they may not feel as edgy about going on lunch or taking a break when they can grab a glass of water whenever they want.
Your workplace can feel more like the workplaces in the movies when you add a water cooler. Talk to your water supplier about the options you have in your business.